1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
2. Java version: 1.5
3. OS type and the version: Win2K
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: PAP2 LinkSys
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem:
Disconnect the fax after negotiation with busy event.
The problem is only for riceve fax, send fax working fine.
In the log after first invite with protocol t38 not supported resend invite and pbx server close with busy.
Any solution ??
2 |33,221 | | INVITE SDP ( t38) | | |SIP From: sip:Unknown@IP carrier To:sip:Internal Phone@IP PBX Server
| | |(5060) <---------------------------------------------------------- (5060) |
2 |33,228 | | 415 Unsupported Media Type | | |SIP Status
| | |(5060) ----------------------------------------------------------> (5060) |
2 |33,261 | | ACK | | | |SIP Request
| | |(5060) <---------------------------------------------------------- (5060) |
4 |34,341 | | INVITE SDP ( g711A g711U g729 telephone-event) | |SIP From: sip:Unknown@IP carrier To:sip:Internal Phone@IP PBX Server
| | |(5060) <---------------------------------------------------------- (5060) |
4 |34,342 | | 100 Trying| | | |SIP Status
| | |(5060) ----------------------------------------------------------> (5060) |
5 |34,369 | INVITE SDP ( g711U) | | | |SIP From: sip:Unknown@IP carrier :5060 To:sip:Internal Phone@IP PBX Server
| |(61108) <------------------ (5060) | | | |
5 |34,383 | 100 Trying| | | | |SIP Status
| |(61108) ------------------> (5060) | | | |
5 |34,389 | 486 Busy Here | | | |SIP Status
| |(61108) ------------------> (5060) | | | |
5 |34,392 | ACK | | | | |SIP Request
| |(61108) <------------------ (5060) | | | |
1 |34,495 | | BYE | | | |SIP Request
| | |(5060) <------------------ (5060) | | |
1 |34,496 | | 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist | | |SIP Status
| | |(5060) ------------------> (5060) | | |
4 |34,496 | | 486 Busy Here | | |SIP Status
| | |(5060) ----------------------------------------------------------> (5060) |
4 |34,530 | | ACK | | | |SIP Request
| | |(5060) <---------------------------------------------------------- (5060) |
0 |61,698 | BYE | | | | |SIP Request
| |(61107) ------------------> (5060) | | | |
0 |61,701 | 200 OK | | | | |SIP Status
| |(61107) <------------------ (5060) | | | |
Problem to Riceve fax
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team