1. Brekeke Product Name and version: PBX/SIP server Basic (20 users purchased)
2. Java version: jre1.5.0 14
3. OS type and the version: Windows 2000
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: No hardware, all VOIP providers, Inbound numbers - Voxbone and Magrathea Telecom (VOIP/PSTN call termination).
5. Network pattern http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/pattern9.html:
6. Your problem: I wish to create a Dial Plan/s to block all "Inbound connections" to the PBX/SIP server other than from our VOIP inbound call providers - something like:
Voxbone - $addr=^81\.201\.82\.[21-33]$ - ALLOW (I think this is the correct format)
Magrathea = $addr=^213\.166\.5\.[0-255]$ - ALLOW (I think this is the correct format)
And then Block all other "Inbound connections" = $addr=!^000\.[0-255]$000\.[0-255]$000\.[0-255]$000\.[0-255]$ - DISALLOW (I think this is the correct format)
I have tried to put a Dial Plan together myself and all it seem to do is block all connection!!! Can anyone help me achieve this?
Many thanks Colin
Inbound Dial Plan
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