1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
Brekeke SIP Server (
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Windows XP 5.1
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
trial UA and SJ Phone
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem:
My trial application registers two users (at the same HMP IPT Board), and it registers them properly at the BSS (user1@ip1 and user2@ip1). The BSS is installed at the machine with ip1 and my application at a machine with ip2.
When I try to call my application using SJ Phone from anywhere within the network I have two cases. If the SJ Phone calls to ip2, the applications answers properly and works fine. If the SJ Phone calls to user1@ip1, user2@ip1 or even to ip1, it receives the answer "482 loop detected".
Notes: The machine where the BSS is installed has only one IP address. The firewall in that machine is already deactivated. In RegisteredClients I have:
User: user1@192.168.xxx.xxx
Contact URI: sip:user1@192.168.xxx.xxx:5060
Detail: Expires: 100
Priority: 1000
User Agent:
Requester: 192.168.xxx.xxx:5060
Time Update: [current time]
* Do I need to provide information to fill the UserAgent field?
* Which format has to have the alias? (i'm using user1@192.168.xxx.xxx, with the BSS ip address).
* Why am I getting 482 error as answer to the calls to the server?
Register success but unable to make calls (482 loop detected
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Thank's for the tip.
Registering SJ Phones to the server I've seen that my application was registering to it in a wrong way. I had in User and Contact URI the same IP address, and that was generating the loop.
If User has the IP where the server is located, and Concat Uri the IP where my application is running it works fine.
Registering SJ Phones to the server I've seen that my application was registering to it in a wrong way. I had in User and Contact URI the same IP address, and that was generating the loop.
If User has the IP where the server is located, and Concat Uri the IP where my application is running it works fine.