Simple routing issue

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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:08 am

Simple routing issue

Post by kfulford »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version: Brekeke SIP server,

2. Java version: 6 -2

3. OS type and the version: WIN 2000 Pro

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: SIP interconnect

5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html : PATTERN 9

6. Your problem:

I have a SIP interconnect which does not require registration and authenticates on a per call basis (but not use a username and password - this does not exist) as no username and password is required.

I want all calls to go to an interconnect from extensions and multi-line gateways that are on both the public and private network address.

I have configured:

Matching Patterns:
$request = ^invite

Deploy Patterns:
To = sip:@ip_address or service provide.

there is no "user" - just a domain IP address

I have tried a variety of deploy patterns (such as target etc)

When I look at ethereal - there is a request to the service provider but it is not prefixed with the dialled number and therefore it fails. How can I force the dialled number (which comes in from the originating extension / gateway request) into the SIP request to the service provider so it looks like "dialled number"@"service provider ip address"

Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:08 am

Simple SIP dialplan Routing

Post by kfulford »

Hello All,

After much playing around I have got this working. If you are setting up a SIP interconnect with a SIP wholesale supplier and the SIP supplier does not require a username and password - this is how to do it:

If you want to send all calls from a particular Brekeke SIP server to a SIP provider (or one of your own SIP softswitches)

Route all traffic:

Matching Patterns:


Deploy Patterns

This will translate all dialled digits and push them into the SIP request to the SIP provider so you will send


and send


You can screen out country codes in the Matching patterns offcourse but this will get you up and running.

I hope this helps someone else.

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