Search found 5 matches

by kk
Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:32 am
Forum: Brekeke PBX Forum
Topic: Max extensions in PBX Standard and PBX Advanced
Replies: 1
Views: 8566

Max extensions in PBX Standard and PBX Advanced

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: 2. Java version: 3. OS type and the version: 4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: 5. Your problem: My question is on Licencing limits for PBX. I would like to know how many maximum number of Telephone devices can be connected to Standard ...
by kk
Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:18 pm
Forum: Brekeke SIP Server Forum
Topic: Replace FROM header
Replies: 7
Views: 10333

i hope this is what you asked for: Extract from Brekeke logs: sid: 333 from-uri: sip:54321769; to-uri: sip:7468@ Nortel sends 67(7468) to Brekeke so to-uri in the logs seems to show the to-uri where Brekeke is forwarding the call i.e. to Cisco. I ...
by kk
Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:22 pm
Forum: Brekeke SIP Server Forum
Topic: Replace FROM header
Replies: 7
Views: 10333

hi Tata, I need to have 67 in the rules as Nortel sends the call with 67 prefix to Brekeke. But have been able to simplify the rule as follows: matching: $request = ^INVITE To = sip:67(.+);.+@.+ deploy: To = sip:%1@ $target = $auth = false From = "external"<sip:7777@192.168 ...
by kk
Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:32 pm
Forum: Brekeke SIP Server Forum
Topic: Replace FROM header
Replies: 7
Views: 10333

hi Tata thanks,
The rule is Applied and running.
I have also tested by making it priority number 1.
No benefit. Rest of the rule works but not From.
so if you can suggest something else I might have missed.
by kk
Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:43 pm
Forum: Brekeke SIP Server Forum
Topic: Replace FROM header
Replies: 7
Views: 10333

Replace FROM header

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: SIP server 3.0.3 2. Java version:1.7.0_09 3. OS type and the version:windows server 2003 4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Nortel - Brekeke - Cisco 5. Your problem: The external caller 54321769 calls Nortel. Nortel recogises that it ...